PuttOut Pressure Putt Trainer Review

Putting is one area of the game that everyone could spend a little more time on. Spend some time watching the Genesis open and you will quickly realize how bad putting can not only kill your game, it can keep you out of the running entirely.

Putting is also one of the few areas of the game that you can work on almost anywhere. I am sure we have all been there – putting into a little cup or to a certain point on the carpet. I am sure at some point you have wondered if practicing like that was helping or hurting your putting stroke.

If only there was a golf training aid to help you…

The PuttOut Pressure Putt Trainer is one of the best putting training aids that you can purchase and use in your home, at your office and on the course. The design of this aid is fantastic – whenever you are not using it it folds into a sheet that can fit in anyone’s golf bag.

To practice, you hit the ball at the “hole” and the ball will go up the ramp and be returned if you were not hitting the center of the cup. If you hit the ball any harder or softer than needed your ball will be returned. If you hit the ball with perfect speed, the ball will run and sit perfectly in the hold.

We love this putting aid because it is designed to return the ball back as far as you would have gone past the hole. 

For example – if you hit a ball and didn’t hit it in the center and you had enough power to send the ball 3ft past the hole, the PuttOut will return the ball 3ft back to you. Because of this design, it is the best distance control putting aid in 2022.

PuttOUT Pressure Putt Trainer - Perfect Your Golf Putting, White
  • This training aid is designed to simulate the exact conditions of putting into a real hole on the green by it's ground-breaking parabolic curved design
  • Each successful putt is returned the same distance it would have gone past the hole if it had missed - great feedback for getting the pace just right.
  • Designed to return good putts and reject bad ones.
  • Made from high quality, elastomer and translucent polycarbonate, PuttOUT folds and fits into your golf bag.
  • Build repetition into your practice to improve your pace putting and to practice pressure putting.

Why You Should Use The Pressure Putt Trainer

There is no question that most golfers would much rather spend time on the driving range hitting irons and drivers over hitting putts on the putting green. I am not exception to this – it is one of my goals to improve my putting this year and I believe changing this will help improve my handicap overall. 

When I was thinking about how I was going to make myself put more time on the green – I realized that I need something to make my practice sessions more fun. Hitting iron shots with a sweet draw or pounding a drive out on the range is always going to be fun in my book. But putting on the green for an hour was never exactly the most fun way to practice.

One of my biggest issues last year was the amount of times I 3-putted. I had a 36.1 putting stroke average from last year. I added the PuttOut into my training and have already seen improvements in my distance control. 

How To Use The PuttOut Pressure Putt Trainer


Practicing on carpet can bring in a few issues. For starters, depending on how the carpet is laying – this can make your ball go left or right and give you some false information when putting.

This is an extreme version of putting with or against the grain on the course. When using the PuttOut pressure putting system, we recommend getting a putting mat that will offer more consistent rolls when practicing. 

Regardless if you have a mat or not, you will want to focus on short putts and getting the feeling of hitting the ball square. Practicing distance control is going to be potentially hazardous to your game as your carpets are not going to have the same speed as your local greens (hopefully).


Practicing with the PuttOut training aid on the course is where this training aid really shines. As we mentioned earlier – this is the best putting aid for distance control that is available.

The PuttOut pressure putt trainer has dimples on the bottom of the aid that help keep it firm in the ground on the greens. You can then spend time practicing putts from different places and lengths.

This will help you learn how to aim and it will help you learn how hard you need to putt.

The benefits of this will translate on the course by helping you hole more putts or you will be leaving the ball closer to the hole – eliminating a stroke or two per round – just by helping you remove one bad/dumb three putt.


  1. 20 in a row –  Joradan Spieth use to practice making 200 putts within 3 feet when he was in college (not in a row, just 200 in total). Personally, I am not going to be playing on the tour any time soon, so I have opted to do 10% of this, each night. I make 20 putts in a row. This has helped me walk up with confidence on these shorter putts and just knock them in.
  2. Perfect Shot – See how many times you can make the ball fit perfectly in the hole.


We recommend using this putting aid with other training aids that you may enjoy. One example would be using this with alignment sticks to help keep your putter face straight. 

PuttOUT Pressure Putt Trainer - Perfect Your Golf Putting, White
  • This training aid is designed to simulate the exact conditions of putting into a real hole on the green by it's ground-breaking parabolic curved design
  • Each successful putt is returned the same distance it would have gone past the hole if it had missed - great feedback for getting the pace just right.
  • Designed to return good putts and reject bad ones.
  • Made from high quality, elastomer and translucent polycarbonate, PuttOUT folds and fits into your golf bag.
  • Build repetition into your practice to improve your pace putting and to practice pressure putting.

PuttOut Pressure Putt – Putting Training Aid – Conclusion

If you haven’t been able to notice- here at Best Golf Accessories – we love the PuttOut Pressure Putt Trainer. This putting training aid is far surperior to most other putting aids on the market.

This is because of the simple design and fantastic feedback that is offered on each putt.

Putting is hard enough and there are almost a million ways to putt the ball. Using this training aid will help you learn how to hit the ball more consistently and will help lower your scores without question. 

Read more golf blogs such as, how to make a golf yardage book.

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